For context, this game got pulled cause it called Xi Winnie the Pooh, which is pretty silly but you can always count on gamers to make themselves look worse.

  • Grace [she/her]
    4 years ago

    thats so stupid tbh. One Chinese website (that isnt even owned by the government) is frowned upon when comparing winnie the pooh to xi jinping and suddenly a bunch of redditors freak the fuck out. it very quickly becomes a racist dog whistle, so no shit china doesnt want it on their markets. It's so stupid, the bourgeois falling for their own propaganda.

    • merthyr1831 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I know, its wild seeing this meme that wasn't even used in China turn into some racist cold-war dogwhistle by a load of white r*dditors who dont even wipe their asses properly and buy broken as videogames on release because some tradcath polish daddies made it and didn't post it to epic games store >:(