What's the environmentalist or progressive thinking on designing rural spaces?

I live on a farm and need my car/motorbike to get around.

Rural communities can't be served by trains because the small population doesn't justify the cost.

Are we supposed to have train stations every 30 miles, and park-and-ride everywhere? Should we be riding quad bikes instead of cars? Really my question is: is there a generally-agreed on set of principles for progressive rural design, like there seems to be for cities?

  • Beaver [he/him]
    1 year ago

    My grandparent and great-grandparent's farms in the great lakes region literally DID have train stations within 10 miles of them, and they walked to them. Rural transit service isn't a pipe dream, it's something that actually existed.

    That said: cars and trucks are obviously very useful in rural areas, and so I can imagine they will still be quite ubiquitous even in a future where rural areas are well served by transit. My grandparents did eventually buy cars, but they used the train service for long distance trips.