Plz help me mushroom mods i suck at this help help help i spill my jice

    • NewLeaf
      10 months ago

      Would you get a spore print from an oyster? I have very limited experience in culinary mushrooms, but when I did oysters, I don't remember them dropping spores

      • happybadger [he/him]
        10 months ago

        There is a sporeless oyster species, but most of them do drop spores that can be collected on a piece of tin foil by letting it sit on the foil for a few hours. Oyster spores are actually super toxic and six months of exposure without a respirator can cause a lifelong allergy to them, mushroom worker's lung.

        • NewLeaf
          10 months ago

          Very interesting! I would assume the all in one kits that people have are the sporeless kind then