its gonna be a fuckin mess imo. my guess is that Trump is gonna play kingmaker, whoever gets Trump's blessing will win (maybe Trump will pick himself, who knows how he'll feel in a couple years)

  • jmichigan_frog [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Counterpoint: Trump helped win an upset election in 2016 that an establishment republican would have lost. He has given the GOP a lock on the federal judiciary and boosted downballot races this cycle. Republicans have a lock on the senate, courts, and state legislatures that they will keep for a generation. Trump did surprisingly well among Latino voters, so demographics don’t necessarily break against Republicans. Resentment that is directed at the poor and “cultural elites” is a powerful bloc that doesn’t directly threaten capital. And plenty of billionaires are crazy CHUDs themselves who can’t think longterm. There’s no real schism in the Republican party-just an intensification of the pseudo-populist petty bourgeois drive that dates back to Goldwater ‘64.