ive been bored lately and decided to dip back into some old games via emulators. smw was the first i picked up and its so good. buttery smooth controls, the best music, pretty dope levels (though the end boss is kinda anticlimactic). i can't believe people picked sonic over this shit back in the day
now im on smb3 and damn its kicking my ass but its also good
Sonic 1 and 2 for the Sega Genesis were unironically amazing games. Super Mario World, with its map and all the extra stoppages and doodads felt way more like an RPG compared to the OG Sonics. It comes down to what kind of game-flow you liked back then, and folks who preferred breakneck nonstop action preferred Sonic. But yeah SMW is god tier good.
interesting. maybe i owe the blue demon a second chance
I was super nostalgic for the Sonic games, but when I try to go back to them now I'm not sure how I found them playable, anytime I speed up I can't see what's coming in front of me before it smacks me in the face
did I have better reflexes as a kid, or was I just too young to know better? idk
You're too old to know less. All side scrollers from that era gave you around that amount of fore-vision. You're just a spoiled liberal now.
but most sidescrollers weren't half as fast as Sonic