• BRINGit34@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Huawei always have very impressive phones. But they just don't seem worth it with their short support cycle

    • Ronin_5@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      Not sure about their newer phones but I had a P8 that was built like an absolute tank. Took it to -40C and back repeatedly during a trip up North and it was still usable 2 years later. Gave it to my grandma when her Samsung crapped out. I’m pretty sure it’s still in working condition.

      • BRINGit34@lemmygrad.ml
        10 months ago

        I am sure it will keep working with your grandmother. They are built exceptionally well. It's the lack of continued os and security updates that concerns me. If they could match samsung and googles 5 years of updates they would be the only phone I use