alt text for four panel image

First panel: a poorly drawn figure with half-closed lids asks a smart™ thermostat "hey little man hows it goin?" Second Panel: the smart thermostat points with a large arrow at a screenshot of a graphic that reads "August Trends: Heating & cooling compared with last year", and shows zero hours more heating, 129 hours more cooling, with a small caption underneath that reads "On average, temperatures were 5 degrees warmer than August 2022" Third Panel: the poorly drawn figure with half-closed lids is shown with an unreadable smile in front of a semi-transparent image of a NASA article that reads "NASA Clocks July 2023 as Hottest Month on Record Ever Since 1880" Fourth Panel: the poorly drawn figure says "yea"

    10 months ago

    The facts became so undeniable that they're forced to accept that things are changing, but now they insist that the changes are absolutely not related to our environmental fuckery but are a natural thing.