
Tendi is summoned back to Orion for a wedding.

Written by: Grace Parra Janney

Directed by: Bob Suarez

  • Nmyownworld@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    Lower Decks continues to shine. I enjoy finally being shown aspects Orion culture, beyond being considered, " ... delinquents, pirates, slave traders." (DSC s1e15, although the same perception about Orions is held throughout Star Trek). The expansion of Tendi's background is great. I'm hoping for more on Orion in Star Trek's future. Poor Mariner, lol.

    Getting to see Boimler and Rutherford settle in as roommates made for a nice B story. That got me wondering again about Mariner and Tendi's new quarters since their promotions. And, T'Lyn's.

    The mysterious ship of destruction is getting old for me. When only ten, twenty-five minutes each, episodes are considered a season, there's little time to dilly-dally around with story telling. I'm just hoping this tease doesn't continue to be unexplained until another season.

    To bad there wasn't time in "wej Duj" (LD s2e9) for an Orion Lower Decks segment. Now, I'm just waiting for an appropriate situation to say, " ... that makes you more of an Orion plagiarist."

    • FormerGameDev@midwest.social
      1 year ago

      " … delinquents, pirates, slave traders." (DSC s1e15, although the same perception about Orions is held throughout Star Trek).

      It seems that Orion culture internally looks down on those who want to be in the sciences, but it's Tendi's grandmother that shows the galaxy that they are not all just pirates. Some several years after DSC S1, in SNW S2.