I'm hoping this doesn't start a fight, I'm just curious what the political orientation is of this community. I grew up in a liberal (in the American sense) family, and I identify now as a socialist, though a lot of the liberalism I grew up in has stuck with me, like interest in LGBTQ and women's rights, environmentalism, etc. Wondering where people here land?

  • sicklemode [they/them]
    1 year ago

    No it wouldn't, given they didn't have rights in the Soviet Union, which abolished private property.

    You're going to have to provide sources for the claim that people didn't have rights in the Soviet Union.

    Private property is not personal property. Private property is property that is meant for the purpose of exploiting workers to pocket the surplus value of their labor privately, rather than sharing it collectively.
    Business enterprises, factories and other such relevant entities owned by private capital are examples of private property. In other words, the means of production under private ownership.

    Personal property would be someone's personal residence (not used for commercial purposes (including landlording)) and all of their worldly possessions within. It would also include things like their car, or toothbrush, or their wardrobe.

    But hey, you want to talk shit about the Soviet Union, so here you go, you tell me if the charges levied against the US are accurate in this video: Soviet Media's Portrait of America During the 1980s. CIA Declassified Video

    I don't really buy into tankies complaining about "the war machine" when they back Russian and Chinese imperialism. Something tells me you don't care about trans rights when Russia directly claims to be fighting LGBTQ people in Ukraine.

    Provide receipts of everything here. China for sure is non-interventionist and hasn't been at war for over 40 years. They care most about peaceful development, win-win cooperation, national rejuvenation, global development and a shared future for humanity.

    Russia's war in Ukraine is in response to NATO expansion continuing to surround and encroach on their borders. Russia certainly has issues with anti-LGBTQ culture, which is condemned by us routinely. However, provide receipts of them claiming to be fighting LGBTQ people in Ukraine. If anything, they've claimed (and been correct) to be fighting neo-nazis and banderites that have been supported, nurtured, and installed into power by the US since at least 2014.

    Also, we critically (emphasis on critically) support Russia's role in depleting NATO stockpiles of weapons, undermining and weakening US and dollar hegemony, and giving permission to all countries of the world to stand up for their own national interests in defiance of the US empire. Just because we see Russia as useful in this context of class struggle and liberation of the Global South does not mean we support or endorse everything about Russia. Nuance, historical and geopolitical literacy are key to understanding anything at all about the trends of the times and where we're headed.