I'm hoping this doesn't start a fight, I'm just curious what the political orientation is of this community. I grew up in a liberal (in the American sense) family, and I identify now as a socialist, though a lot of the liberalism I grew up in has stuck with me, like interest in LGBTQ and women's rights, environmentalism, etc. Wondering where people here land?

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    1 year ago

    You're the most arrogant piece of shit i have seen all week. You're the prime example of why i hate liberals and why i cannot trust a single one of you while i'm being faced with economic hardships and trans exterminatory represion in one of the Western European nations you believe to be so flawless on LGBT rights. We do not even exist as actual human beings to you, we're nothing to you but a political football you can kick around. Every single one of your replies in this comment chain screams with the disdain you have for us when we dare to object, you transphobic turd. You do not listen to a single thing queer people have to tell you about our liberatory struggles and instead dare to lecture us with nothing to back your claims up but your unwavering faith in the genocidal Amerikan empire, your unceasing disdain for all of Amerika's enemies and your baby brained paranoia about everything that threatens your joke of a worldview being a russian disinfo campaign, while your own rulign class has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into transphobic disinfo alone, not to mention the vastly bigger budgets they spend on issues like climate change denial.