• UlyssesT [he/him]
      vor 9 Monaten

      One sentence was "too long, didn't read" for you. 👍 smuglord

      And your collective condemnation of the people you look down upon for having unsanctioned feelings is the superior take. 👍 smuglord

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          vor 9 Monaten

          I would like the stroganoff treatment

          That's already old and stale. Your attempt to hitch a ride on it explains why you're so defensive about the boomer demographic in general. I doubt you're that old, but boomer is by and large a state of mind and you seem to fit that state of mind. grillman

          for personal tragedies

          Except decades of suffering that boomers as a demographic inflicted on those younger (and in the past, on those older) than themselves. That's fine and good because the smol bean boomers are special and better than those that came before them and after them and deserve all of the sympathy, including for things they inflicted on everyone, including themselves. galaxy-brain

          that occur in your life

          Fuck all the way off with your smarmy concern trolling. smuglord farquaad-point

          Just inform me when something big happens.

          You live in a bubble world of smug condescension, so chances are you won't notice anything anyway. smuglord farquaad-point

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              vor 9 Monaten

              You're begging for sympathy for a demographic group that by and large were known for their entire lives for being abrasive condescending selfish assholes, and your way to demand sympathy is by acting abrasive and condescending.

              perhaps you'll grow a sense of empathy

              You're not demonstrating any for the people hurt by boomers in the long decades that they had near total economic and political control.

              Good luck.

              Your smug levels are already off the charts. You may break the meter.

              smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord smuglord