          9 months ago

          I don't understand it 😕. What I'm getting is:

          1. So they're sorry for applauding the guy.

          2. They were duped he was a hero OR He actually is a hero and nazi ties are propaganda.

          3. Doesn't matter anyways, support Ukraine

            9 months ago

            Yeah, it's a "fill in the blanks" apology, take your pic of any of those options. They just want people to accept whatever justification they can so they go back to ignoring the fucked up shit they do.

            In reality, they knew full well what they were doing with this, they aren't sorry they did it, they're sorry they got called out for it.

            9 months ago

            They are only sorry they got caught and it blow up in their faces. If it didn't turned into shitstorm no one would do even such non-apologies.

            When 338 people do a standing ovation for a nazi, it means there are 339 nazis.

            9 months ago

            Most of them knew and are backtracking. There is no way an entire parliament was duped into giving a literal Nazi applause. This could likely be a stunt to see if the general public would even notice/care enough to call them out on it.

            • Adkml [he/him]
              9 months ago

              The only reason I don't think they were testing the waters is because people have been saying you're a Russian propagandist of you say all nazis are bad for like 2 years now.

          • Adkml [he/him]
            9 months ago

            They're basically saying there was no way to know that the guy who said the pinnacle of his life was fighting communists in world War 2 was a nazi.

            He must have been one of those good non fascist members of the axis powers.