• dialectical_analysis_of_gock [she/her]
      9 months ago

      Stalin for example was a mass murderer just like Hitler. So why would anybody like him?

      Here is a mainstream Jewish holocaust survivor saying equating the communists and fascists is holocaust trivialization.

      You have compared communists and fascists, thus trivializing the Holocaust.

      Are you referring to famines caused by the Kulaks destroying grain exacerbating a natural famine cycle, something that was somewhat common before the modern era. If you are, would you also say that every death caused by starvation due to poverty in capitalist countries should count towards the leader's "death count"?

    • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
      9 months ago

      How is saying Stalin wasn't a great guy either denying the holocaust?

      You aren't saying that though, you are saying that they killed an equivalent amount of people. You're morally equating them. Also even the CIA didn't consider stalin a dictator in their since declassified internal documents, treating him as one is another way you were taught to equate the USSR with nazi Germany.

      Yes ofc, but a big percentage of the deportated people were Jewish. They killed two thirds of the European Jewish population.

      I know, that isn't the only group they targeted though. I was simply correcting an inaccuracy in what you said.


      Sorry, I thought it was high hundreds of thousands but it was actually a million. My mistake. Still, that is in no way similar to killing upwards of 35 million people in the name of bigotry.