Is that reflective of the fact that the largest cost in transportation in the industrial world is labor so less traffiked routes require more labor per package-mile? In this case, its like a 11x economy of scale to California. So maybe not.
No it's just the cost of cross boarder. FedEx Express shipping for a small package with volume discounts costs $8 to go to an office or $14 to go to a residence, and I've yet to make a label for anywhere in the continental US that deviates from those values.
Is that reflective of the fact that the largest cost in transportation in the industrial world is labor so less traffiked routes require more labor per package-mile? In this case, its like a 11x economy of scale to California. So maybe not.
No it's just the cost of cross boarder. FedEx Express shipping for a small package with volume discounts costs $8 to go to an office or $14 to go to a residence, and I've yet to make a label for anywhere in the continental US that deviates from those values.