I'm pretty open, and not really looking for anything specific here aside from the usual "no liberal bullshit" rule. I did listen to a bit of Chapo for a hot second in 2018 but I could be persuaded to go back if theyre good.

So to that end, what are your favorite episodes of your podcast of choice?

  • Adkml [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I like knowledge fight but Dan is, to be far too charitable, far too charitable.

    I've never seen somebody spend so much time observing without drawing the obvious conclusions.

    He's spent 10s of thousands of hours listening to the far right and still wildly understates their danger.

    I rember on a recent one where Jones was talking about how we should be executing Trans people and Jordan said something along the lines of "he doesn't care if these people actually get killed he'd be happy to see it happen maybe he doesn't wanna personally pull the lever but he'd fully support the person who did" and Dan's response was basically "aww shucks I don't think he's that extreme I think it's a character"

    • KillSlaveOwners [they/them]
      1 year ago

      100% agree, Knowledge Fight is honestly my favorite podcast because it keeps me in touch with the latest right wing Mindrot but Dan is too charitable. Jordan's heart is honestly in the right place for the most part.

      I also like Q-Anon Anonymous for similar reasons, though Julian is actually an MLM.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Yea I hate how there's the running idea that Dan's the reasonable one that walks Jordan back when he's getting out of line. Dan does great research but he basically the white moderate when it comes to tamping down any time Jordan does any actual material analysis.

    • M68040 [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Yeah, that's the big problem with Knowledge Fight. On some level I don't really understand how they cover this much ground for that long and still maintain that sort of detachment. A little too prim and proper.

      I honestly would want to see something like it, but with Matt just sitting there getting angry as shit like with the McArdle article the whole time. Something with some pathos to it.

      • GhostofLeninsGhost [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Dan occasionally does get that proper vim in him, but otherwise I agree.

        Dan, I'm not sure how he stays detached. Jordan I think has gotten more detached from his anger and fear over these things, and I think it's his insane number of hobbies and all the vacations he's taken.