
A trio of Betazoids cause chaos on the Cerritos.

Written by: Jamie Loftus

Directed by: Megan Lloyd

  • HobbesHK@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    Loved the episode. Did I understand correctly that the Betazoids were travelling from planet to planet to find a cure for this rampant emotional telepathic event?

    Does that mean T’Lyns powers extended that far?

    Or were they secretly hunting for the alien ship? I got a little bit lost with the fast dialog.

    On a random note, funny how in ten forward the two guys making out kept inserting themselves in almost every scene.

    • FormerGameDev@midwest.social
      1 year ago

      They were looking for clues to the attacks on the ships, playing the part of party girls to get in places they probably normally wouldn't be able to. They went full into it when they got near T'Lyn