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Also, both can be equally bad.

    1 year ago

    Oh hey there. I'm gonna be annoying for a sec. Remember when we had a rather heated discussion on white people and slavery? You have expressed concerns regarding my "defensive" reaction to the meme.

    This is why I was like I was. This here post. This is why I absolutely refuse to be lumped together with the Anglos and especially the USA (Canada is extension of USA). Because these assholes sure as fuck owned slaves at some point. They sure as fuck benefit to this day from colonial plunder, from plunder from my own homeland and the rest of USSR's corpse. And then they turn around and lecture me and my oh-so-hwyte people and applaud to the monsters that have spent years slaughtering us, whom they've sheltered.

    We are not like this filth. Don't let skin colour tell you otherwise.

    • Black
      1 year ago

      Based on the other people that came to your defense, that does make a lot of sense. Why I at least try to clarify at this point that when I'm saying white folk, I'm talking overt OG Amerikan settlers the flavor you describe. Just... When I'm dealing with the settler-borne Amerikan yt queers, this is the exact vibe I see. It's like, they're either "not all Nazis were bad people", "all lives matter", "opinions imported from TERF Island", or "they-person, roma-hater"; sometimes a pick-two or pick-three.

      (And no, I don't consider the response annoying; you didn't deserve the strays you were catching last week. Just, I see that kind of trigger phrase coming out of the aforementioned OG Amerikan settlers so goddamn often that it makes me turn my brain off and go on the offensive.)