Screenshot of a screenshot:


Also, both can be equally bad.

    1 year ago

    The slope wasn't even slippery, it was just a fucking cliff, went from nazis are evil and bad to, a lot of them weren't actually Nazis, and with the fucking rainbow flag to boot. The nazis exterminated gay people you dumb fuck, nazis from the Galicia region murdered poles and Jewish folk and other "undesirables". I just dont get how dumb this stupid fucks can get.

      1 year ago

      Oh trust me, he knows the Nazis targeted gay people, he used that as a defense against his Jewish friends who were calling him out; they told him that if he was around in Germany in the 30s he would’ve sided with the Nazis and to prove he would’ve been killed alongside his Jewish friends he pulls up this picture:


      I still can’t find the tweet where he did this but it’s real.