• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I was referring to 2008-ish when gas hit an all time high. It was $4 here so it was probably $6/gal in Cali then. Of course $4 (or $6) in 2008 was a lot more relatively than $4 ($6) now.

    Actually according to the inflation calculators, $4 in spring 2008 is about $5.75 now.

    Gas is actually cheaper when inflation is factored in (nationwide average) than it was during the so-called great recession. Which is starting to seem like a world wide depression, but it's too early for me to back that idea fully. It's very common since the beginning of tracking economies and charting everything over time to see the classic boom bust cycles but it's more involved than simply big up them smaller down then big up, always trending upward (for the imperialist countries anyway... odd how that works...). It goes big up, strong dip, false recovery (2010-now?), then strong downward push, perhaps with economic numbers falling below the previous highs. So, in the case of the US, economic measures falling back down to like 2001 highs. Obviously neoliberal measures are made-up for the most part, but they do measure something real, and the numbers going up or down can generally correspond with quality of life. A sharp downturn in economic activity combined with the austerity of the last 45 years... will probably be catastrophic. Imo, 2008 should've been an already-too-late wake up call for capitalists and labor that it was time to stop neoliberal politics which clearly has failed and was clear at the time as well, but capitalists are always so desperate to race each other to the top that they can't see it's dragging everyone, including them, to the bottom. We're so fucked.


    Anyway this is what I was referring to. I remember how miserable it was at that time where quite literally it became not worth it to go to work when factoring in gas prices. Should've been a wake up to switch to mass transit or at the least electric and other fuels... but, nope, prices went back down within a few years and the Hummers came back.