This is something I often eat as a snack. You pour some oil on a plate and dip some bread (preferably not the sweet fake bread common in the anglosphere, that stuff is vile, it should at least have a crust) in it and sprinkle some salt to taste on top.
It is extremly quick, very cheap, vegan and somewhat healthy. I also like it because i can get a lot of calories very quickly as i tend to eat too little.
This also works with salad dressings and all kinds of vegetable oils and sauces really, but i like the taste of olive oil and it is common everywhere and also healthier .
Congrats, you discovered Greek diet. It's literally dipping bread in olive oil and souvlaki.
I've legit read roman epics where they were eating this.
They eat it regularly on the TV series Rome, too (great show by the way, with sadly only two seasons).