Not sure if hypermarkets do the same thing in other countries, but I've seen it in the states and it pisses me off

    9 months ago

    Care-washing: the greenwashing-adjacent pretending to give a shit about anything other than sloppy blowjobs for your board, top executives, and large shareholders.

      9 months ago

      Can't shop at Cotton On anymore.

      Would you like to buy the single use plastic water to provide safe drinking water to people? No. How about make a donation to starving kids? No. How about buying these socks to support shelter for some country? No. Are you a member? No. Would you like to be a member? No.

      Would you...... "NO. JUST LET ME PAY FOR MY T SHIRT"

    9 months ago

    In Canada, there is no tax write off or anything that compliments them in donations. It is totally and utterly a cock measure for "lookie at what we done!" for PR by making their employees ask people to their face for charity on behalf of the corporation. And the charities will encourage this because, well they get it all and they're name also gets said directly to the face of the consumers.

    essentially they replaced a separate paid mall santa with an already paid teller and feel good about it.

    So please, tell Y'all Mart to fuck off. Find a manager to explain your distaste and disgust. Legit, go to customer service and get a manager. If you think you're super cool and clever with "smrt cuments" or anger towards the poor fuck who has to ask, no. You're an asshole and just being a removed to ruin someones day. It's not the worker, stupid. Many rely on those charities and it is doubly insulting and embarrassing to even bring it up.

    "I might need those har har har" fuck you. the person you are being a tard to is already on them. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

    If you mean it, and feel that desire to say it, take it to the fucking manager. Keep those pricks standing there for hours. You'd actually be getting your message into the correct channel, and likely doing the clerks a favor because i have never met one that felt good about having to ask people for money like that.

  • CloutAtlas [he/him]
    9 months ago

    If you, the civilian, donates to a legitimate cause, the billion dollar company won't be able to claim that donation on their tax deductions.

    If they donate, it's a zero sum game. Maybe 5 mins in the spotlight for alturism.

    But if you give them the money to donate on your behalf? They don't spend a cent and are able to get tax deductions for "philanthropy". It's the best possible outcome (for the company).

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    I don't know where that money goes but it sure as hell isn't to any of the people doing the actual work