It's largely Sarcasm. And by large, I mean lots. Like, most, if not all of it. It's gonna be sarcasm.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Wage_slave@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlEverytime
    7 months ago

    Growing up weird and poor in a very conservative and arrogant part of the prairies, I was bullied relentlessly. The teachers never did anything unless it was me fighting back, to which it was suspension and I was a bad kid.

    As high school came along, I grew more and more violent to the point I wasn't a loser or a tough guy, but a snap case. The other kids thought I was edgy, the parents thought I was bound for prison, and the teachers probably had a beer when I dropped out.

    My mom didn't know what to do. And this was in a time where if your kid was in therapy, it's was your failure as a parent. Combined with my disgust at the idea that I was what was broken, it was off the table. It wasn't until I was in my twenties that I went for psychological help.

    By then, I was so suicidal and gone that I wouldn't be near ok until my late thirties. In my mid forties now, I look back and see myself as the potential shooter. I'm holding back my emotions right now, thinking of it. Fortunately, there were no guns at my disposal back, back then is how I feel looking back. I don't know if I'd be able to hurt anyone like that, but I'd fuck myself up.

    I lay a lot of blame on a system that allowed it to happen. In a community where open racism and homophobic views were the norm at the time, teachers were as judgmental as the students in some situations. Now maybe if I were white, it'd be easier, but even the broke white kids didn't get any breaks. Especially from the teachers.

    Look at me go, a meme has me fucked up thinking back and dumping online. But yeah, there it is.

    I'd like to close by saying the town I grew up in is a far different place now. I've moved back and feel good here. I see teachers and bullies who don't make eye contact, will not recognize me at all (which is my favorite) and the occasional happy to see you moments. I don't communicate well in public these days, so it makes it ultra awkward, much like being in high school, talking to students you barely know.

  • my youngest brother had a lazy stick. It was a broom handle and a ruler taped together with a couple of chop sticks mixed in to help hold the two together. To avoid getting out of bed, he fashioned this up to turn off the lights in his room. Inspired by Homers broom in the episode of the Simpsons where he gains a ton of weight to go on disability.

    This stick did the trick and even could turn the tv on and off.

    Twenty years later, my brother is currently on a diet and losing a lot of weight. All the weight is post stick and much later in life, but we have a laugh about it every now and again.

  • I didn't act or anything. I just stood there much like here watching the entitled dietary moron go off.

    But I was really annoyed so like the imaginary cool vegan, it was more contexts. But good notes. It was Safeway. No wonder yall are not taken seriously.


  • I won't go near the comparison to one's sexual preference, to another voluntary dietary habits.

    But, you're not wrong. If this was something that was super important to me and life affecting, then you are completely right.

    Now, as someone who is just trying to not eat meat for personal and whatever reasons, that's not how you get people into your cause. I am not bound to it, and the perception of the community is something i get to have liberty with.

    How about "well, it's not an animal. not bad". Not being me with my kid hearing that her favorite burger patty (the impossible one) is a waste of money and an embarrassment to the real vegans in the middle of the safeway by a random asshole stranger, who had the after thought to explain how tofu is better totally not noticing that his very life is in danger.

  • Being called stupid and criticizing my decisions kept me from "being brave"

    Like "You're not good enough until you are this much" bullshit. If that's the attitude, then fuck no. Why do I wanna go even further into things if y'all are assholes right off the bat. Like, no. fuck you. If it's this complicated then I am going to do what has been a life of hassle free eating. My guilt is very easily wiped away like that.

  • I don't eat a lot of meat, but after hearing arguments like these from vegetarians and vegans, I gave up on not eating meat.

    Too expensive to eat vegan and I got really fucking tired of being called fucking stupid for buying meat free alternatives. It's not worth the effort in the end.