Is it the beginning of the end of socialism for them?

  • KiG
    1 year ago

    If we can learn anything from the most successful use of capitalism, being Dengism in China, we can see that while capitalism can be administered by socialists, and carefully corralled, both as a strategy for growth or as a concession to pressure, we should be wary that this will create challenges to growing capitalist power and corruption within the government, the exact poisons which eventually killed the USSR, the exact poisons that the current CPC had to fight to diminish to ensure China's socialist longevity.

    Perhaps I am being optimistic, but in my opinion the shifting tides of this world war show that the small socialist countries like Cuba and Vietnam have made it through the worst, that things will only get easier from here on; with the US dying, there is less overbearing external pressure to rapidly develop or sate bloodthirsty enemies. That being said, even if the US vaporized wholesale tomorrow, we will be dealing with the reverberations of neoliberalism and fascism for decades to come. Cuba and Vietnam might have made it over the hump in the grand scheme of things, but they still have a strenuous road ahead for them, and the capitalist elements within their country will always fundamentally be an antagonistic force eager to exploit any vulnerability. It is not the beginning of the end of socialism...if the corruption and capitalist power can and is fought effectively.