I have a surgery which will leave me unable to bike. I wasn't yet told how much, they will tell me after the surgery. I had major zoomies today and I'm sad I won't be able to zoomie for some time. I cycle everywhere, including to work, and I don't work remotely, so I hope I get back to health in no time. I'm extending my empathy to other people who may not experience the zoomies, especially after learning one of my colleagues is not allowed to bike again after a surgery he's had. :c

  • GissaMittJobb@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    Super rough, really sorry to hear that.

    What are your alternatives for the day to day? Is transit an option where you live, or are you going to be relegated to driving a car?

    Maybe an e-scooter could be an option, while not as fun as biking, they still hit the spot a little bit for me.

    • ᦓρɾιƚҽ@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      I'm poor, I could never afford a car or a scooter, especially not on a whim. There's transit, but due to traffic it can take over an hour vs 20 minutes by bike. Sadly no metro. Currently I blindly hope to recover extremely fast. Surgery's tomorrow morning. Good night. ^ ^