
You're not banned here*, get in and explain why Yandere Simulator isn't pedophilic. Don't DM me like a coward.


  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    9 months ago


    Think of the community more like the antithesis of r/humansbeingbros

    Stop making excuses for cryptofascists fantasizing about harm coming to undesirables, "ironically" or otherwise.

    The alternative is to pretend the world is perfect and no one has anything to worry about, which is just a falsehood.

    You're a fucking clown if you believe the only alternative to fantasizing about harm coming to undesirables is some impossible utopia, therefore better bring on the cryptofascism.

    clown-to-clown-communication clown-to-clown-conversation

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Believe what you want

        You're a fucking liar that has spent hours going to bat for a pedophilic torture/murder fantasy game while pretending you knew nothing about it. I don't have to believe. I know you're a liar.

        If you believe otherwise, that ain’t on me.

        Yes, you moderate a cryptofascist sub for cryptofascists like yourself. That part is believable.