He waged something like 3 wars at the point, and 6 or 7 overall. What would one need to do to equal to that peace achievement? Bomb the nobel comittee itself?
Makes me think of F.W. de Klerk getting it with Nelson Mandela. Like he got it cos the libs were like 'well done mr fascist you managed to give up correctly while avoiding getting massacred in a civil war'.
Member when Obama got the peace prize at the *beginning of his presidency? nuff said.
He waged something like 3 wars at the point, and 6 or 7 overall. What would one need to do to equal to that peace achievement? Bomb the nobel comittee itself?
If you reverse time, he ended all those wars. Did you think of that? Nobel prize please.
Holy shit. That's it. They're looking at history and going in reverse chronological order. 🤯
And the Nazis un-murdered millions of Jews... no wonder they support them!
The peace prize is technically a separate entity and not affiliated with the actual Nobel prizes. It’s a bought prize essentially.
Makes me think of F.W. de Klerk getting it with Nelson Mandela. Like he got it cos the libs were like 'well done mr fascist you managed to give up correctly while avoiding getting massacred in a civil war'.