Mermaids - Yet another kind of female creature that attracts men sexually for their own ends. They are usually seen near water places, hiding among corals and stones.

from the chorea macchabaeorum series - there's another entitle "Sea Monks":\

Sea Monks - Strange figures resembling monks and clerics are sometimes seen near waters and ports. In such dreadful times, unholy processions are dragged into the waters following them.
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They were looking outside, through the window glass.


- Some Horrors -


-What has happened to the world? Everything was going so well, my kingdom was prospering. All we can see now is hell on earth, and those… those demonic… - said Queen Isabella, crossing herself while holding Ferdinand's head with the other hand - I can't even find words…

- And what happened to the divinity of kings before God? - asked the gravedigger jokingly. - Of course, you can go out there and clear the way for us, maybe throwing this head at one or two creatures. You see, I had one very similar in my own hands just a few days ago.

- Watch your mouth, you scum. You are addressing a queen! - shouted Cardinal Borgia in a way that his spittles risked the air.

- Oh, you obviously want to receive the same recognition. Please, please forgive my ignorance, Your Eminence, prince of our church. Please, I am nothing more than a dirty bag of excrement, incapable of thinking for myself and only in your service. You see, my prince, why don't you go out there as well and protect us of all from evil? If I were one of those creatures, I would quickly disappear with a single glimpse of your magnanimity. You know my cardinal, god is not here today, only them - he appointed to the window glass with his head - …and this, this is the end of the world, a world that should have ended before starting. My only regret is actually having been forced to give away my little earnings so you could wear this beautiful dress, shining so much like gold.

- You did it in order to be saved, you heretic. Our Holy Mother Church is your way of salvation. I shall see you burning - replied the angry Cardinal.

-are you sure of that my prince? Keep looking outside and we will see about it.

There was only silence and crossing signs after that. Well, not exactly silence, for the sounds of the end of the world kept bleeding their ears.



“Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.”

source: artstation site || artstation page

artist's: artstation site || artstation page || artstation rss feed