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"Don’t you just long for a broomstick?
I wish I’d the sturdiest goat to ride.
Like this, the journey’s not so quick."

"¿No quieres un palo de escoba?
Yo desearía el más recio macho cabrío.
Por este camino aún estamos lejos de nuestro destino."

"Verlangst du nicht nach einem Besenstiele?
Ich wünschte mir den allerderbsten Bock.
Auf diesem Weg sind wir noch weit vom Ziele."

Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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    1 year ago

    Ok, so here is a question: What's with her right hand? I could swear I have seen this gesture in other paintings before. Is this some sort of artist custom?

      1 year ago

      To me it looks like one of those random artistic poses and it probably also references using magic with her hand as she's a witch.

      (Recommenting because my app logged me on abandoned account)