Pretty sure most of you already know this but for those who don't: you have two clipboards in Linux. One is the traditional clipboard where you copy with control c and paste with control v. The other one is when you highlight text and use the mouse middle click to paste text.

More details here.

    9 months ago

    There are actually three.

    9 months ago

    Not going to lie, I hate the middle click clipboard and disable it ASAP. I really dislike the idea that it copies things without my explicit permission.

      9 months ago

      It's one of the things that I hated at first when moving from Windows, but then I got so used to it I just can't live without it. Whenever I use Windows, I would try to quickly copypaste text using selection, doing so for 5-10 seconds, until I realise this is not a thing on this OS.

        9 months ago

        Ditto. And sometimes I use both the Ctrl+C and middle-click clipboards at the same time, when I want to copy two chunks of text. Like this:

        • Select chunk A, press Ctrl+C
        • Select chunk B
        • Shift window
        • Paste chunk B through middle-click
        • Paste chunk A through Ctrl+V
      9 months ago

      I actually like the feature but could you explain how you disabled it? I've tried to merge all three clipboards into one a few years ago and couldn't make it work

    9 months ago

    I use auto scroll a lot, middle click paste is generally an immediate no for me.

      9 months ago

      How do middle-click-to-paste and middle-click-to-scroll conflict? In Firefox I can click-to-paste if the cursor is over an input field and click-to-scroll anywhere else. Never had any problem with this behavior.

    9 months ago

    Is it possible to have have a Windows 10-like clipboard in Mint? Where you can copy multiple stuff with ctrl+c and then press super+v to have a dropdown of things that you copied with a possiblity to pin some of them?

    9 months ago

    On my arch install with hyperland, clip boards have been by far the hardest thing to setup. I finally got a basic clipboard manger working using clipman and wofi. But tbh I don't really understand how that's working.

    My main issues though have been trying to copy from one with vim open to other terminal with vim. Copying from vim elsewhere using y(yank) works fine. Copying elsewhere into vim works great. But vim to vim will not work for me.

    Also trying to find a way to make copying text out of a terminal running tmux not so overly complex and tedious.