• UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Again, you’re trying to shadow box with a boogey man that doesn’t exist.

      Smug liberals try to disagree with people without ableistic insults challenge. Difficulty level: "you're trying to shadow box with a boogey man that doesn't exist." smuglord

      Also, if you're going to say cryptofascist shit about how you craved genocide and also believed that everyone craved genocide just like you did, therefore those cravings were cool and good and somehow justified, just fuck off with that.

      I’m just sitting here watching you write about how you’re a dumbass. Cool I guess.


      You know I spent ten years wasting my time clowning on trolls on Reddit.


      You were that troll, genius, and you never stopped.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          9 months ago

          I was waiting for you to post

          So? You didn't do anything different or exceptional here. You've done nothing off-script yet and calling out me pointing out your shitty takes doesn't make your takes any less shitty.

          Hilarious. Lol.

          You're so redundant and pretentious that I may as well post this again because that's all you're doing and this is all you deserve.
