Question to people who block communities, how many? What's your criteria? I, uhhh, block a measly 586 communities.

My criteria is as follows:

  • nuked nearly all meme ones
  • nuked meta ones for instances outside of mine, as I find my ingerence unfair
  • nuked meta ones for countries I've no past with and no interest in making future with
  • nuked soft porn / porn ones from .world
  • nuked duplicate communities from instances which block many instances, so I get most diversity of opinions since they crosspost anyway
  • blocked AI art communities
  • generally anything related to AI, crypto and other topics I don't have any interest in
  • blocking all/near-all image and video oriented communities, because I'm here for engagement, not browsing images and most definitely not for videos

I'm very pro curating my own experience, as you may see. It's quite slow, but at least I seldom get things I don't want to check out, apart from some posts from technology.

    9 months ago

    nuked nearly all meme ones

    I filter by new and all instances frequently every single day and I'd wager that low effort meme content is about 80% or more of Lemmy by engagement. There are far more posts created that aren't memes that nobody comments on or upvotes, but I consider those basically dead content.

    Perhaps some day people will engage with more critical thinking topics, but until then blocking all memes is basically blocking Lemmy.

        9 months ago

        I'm definitely trying. This is not how I expected things to turn out on Lemmy. I tried starting with more high effort content and establishing a community for actual discussion, but lemmy world admins killed that and it hasn't recovered here on

        Honestly that was a pretty big blow to my predictions of the future of Lemmy as a place to actually discuss more serious things with people. I hope Lemmy succeeds and does well as a place to actually talk to people, but I worry it is going to mainly be a place to repost memes for awhile until it gets smaller and smaller and eventually fades from anyone's thoughts.

    9 months ago


    I'm subscribed to ~120 comms so I usually browse by "Subscribed". Browsing by "All" is infrequent enough to not bother me with local comms, plus contrariwise to plenty posters here I don't mind seeing content in multiple languages.

    9 months ago

    I've blocked quite a lot, seems easier than subscribing to individual communities. Blocked most meme and porn communities, and I just straight up block bot reposting accounts

  • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    9 months ago

    Every AI art one that's popped up in my feed, all the ones for, like, individual cities, the anime communities, and a cryptocurrency community.

    Not bothered to seek out communities to block, I just block 'em as the show up.

    Hexbear isn't federated with any instances with porn communities so I haven't had to block any of those.

    9 months ago

    85 communities. Non English, memes, programming and gaming, and country specific ones I don't have anything to do with. I am still not completely done yet. It's an ongoing process.

    9 months ago

    Blocking over 300 including ALL town/city communities because they are ALWAYS negative BUT Lemmy Connect also lets me filter (hide) on regex for communities and posts. This is invaluable to me- I was going insane trying to keep up with the arms race of cross posts to identical or near identical named communities on endless new instances.

    Posts filter:

    /elon musk/, /heathcliff without heathcliff/, /neuralink/, /furry/

    Communities filter:

    /politics/, /news/, /meme/, /humor/, /hentai/, /liberal/, /communis/, /conservativ/, /socialis/, /reddit/, /cursed/, /monero/, /moe/, /dank/, /yiff/, /shitty/, /horror/

    9 months ago

    46 at present. Furry porn sites that weren't tagged NSFW, memes, shitposting, a number of communities from the h... server (you know the one), tankie communities.

    I'm subscribed to a lot of communities, too, but I still use the all feed for discovery.