It’s a bit confusing to me that clicking on „Posts” button in the bottom menu takes me to the communities list. I believe more standard behavior is to just refresh current feed - can we have it like that please?

    9 months ago

    IMO this is exactly how it should behave. The tab bar is for navigation purposes and goes back to the root of the navigation point. It should not be used to do “actions” within the view. It’s also consistent in the app. E.g. open settings and navigate deeper. To go back? Just tab on the settings tab bar again.

      9 months ago

      But doing a refresh on a home button click is just really common pattern. Look Reddit, Facebook, instagram, Netflix, LinkedIn etc. It’s not optimal UX-wise to break patterns repeated in so much apps that they basically became a standard, because it creates confusion for users.

        9 months ago

        Also refreshing which is rather common action in this kind of apps should be more convenient imo