if you look at the history of far right ideas, they have very strong syncretic inclinations. They unify their own concepts, even if they get contradictory salads in result (most fascist tendencies, conservatism and liberalism etc) and also they unify their strawmen of opposing concepts (judeobolshevism, all things LGBT). It's usually caused by lack of understanding of those concepts - and i believe by inability to count to 3 since they seems to have not much problem with 1, some with 2, but any more and the salads start.
if you look at the history of far right ideas, they have very strong syncretic inclinations. They unify their own concepts, even if they get contradictory salads in result (most fascist tendencies, conservatism and liberalism etc) and also they unify their strawmen of opposing concepts (judeobolshevism, all things LGBT). It's usually caused by lack of understanding of those concepts - and i believe by inability to count to 3 since they seems to have not much problem with 1, some with 2, but any more and the salads start.