Ones you have used, ones you are using, or ones you just have.

Human "Barbarian" Paladin of Bahamut:
Basically saw a dragon once and become obsessed with how strong they were and fell assbackwards into worshiping Bahamut.

Elderly Tiefling Wizard:
Up for anything, basically doesn't give a shit anymore, just wants to do illusion magic and parlour tricks and maybe help a few people if they can.

AMAB Enby Devil-Cleric:
Self-serving, sugardaddy is Asmodeus, or some other devil, they made a pact with in exchange for hrt and magic powers.

  • ComradeMikey [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I want to make an extremely dumb yet extremely charismatic brute of (unsure )race named roggerik (He was named roderick but he can’t spell good and pronounces it wrong) I want everyone to fine him charming and insightful while says and does the dumbest things imaginable. like forrest gump I guess but way dumb and less thoughtful

    ive always played INT based characters so this will be fun for me