Are there any automatic or semiautomatic tools that will rip a set of DVDs from a tv show, and label the resulting vids (like Show name - s##e## or similar)?

I want to digitize entire series (of DVDs I own) for an in-home streaming server, and it's super annoying to name each file individually.

    9 months ago

    Have you checked online that someone hasn't already done it for you? I only rip as a last resort these days; much quicker to download.

  • Faceman🇦🇺
    9 months ago

    Automatically ripping movies is pretty easy, but TV shows often need manual work to get them right.

    Sometimes you'll get individual videos with the correct chapters, runtimes and they are listed in order, but other times they will be jumbled in random order, or will be one large video that needs to be split manually into episodes.

    9 months ago

    It's been a while since I've ever ripped a DVD, but I'm pretty sure Handbrake still does that and that has automatic naming for output:

    • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
      9 months ago

      This seems to only be for each disk and is not aware of other disks. So far, it seems that I'll have to manually rename them to match a convention. I did forget about handbrake, though. It's a good reminder. Thanks