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    9 months ago

    Lord Mayor very proud of his decision to cut important infrastructure projects. He calls it "sensible adjustments and reductions in spending". Of course, just like happened last year, the things being cut are all things that statistically are most likely to lead to the best social and economic outcomes, while more expensive and less-useful projects stay on. So active transport projects can say goodbye, but congestion-creating road-widening projects stay.

      9 months ago

      Unfortunately the criticism from Labor has been rather unspecific. Just about the general idea of cutting projects, rather than calling out any specific projects that are being cut.

        9 months ago

        Cr Massey takes up Labor's slack, calling on the Lord Mayor to specifically apologise to residents of West End, Milton, Toowong, and St Lucia for reneging on his promise to deliver the two green bridges in their area.

        Instead of answering that, he complains about how the former Councillor for Gabba Ward (Jonathan Sriranganathan) had some issues with the design of the landing point. He also says "there were no promises", but only that they will be delivered if Council can afford it.

        9 months ago

        Cr Johnston also picks up Labor's slack. She says "there are other ways" and that the Lord Mayor's false dichotomy of "you either support my cuts or you support increased rates."

        She proposes a number of other things that could be cut. "All paid advertising." Overseas travel. Paid consulting to external private company boards. Cutting footpaths, tree trimming, and community grants is not a good idea, Cr Johnston says.

        Labor, the Greens, and Cr Johnston vote in favour of her motion. The LNP votes against.

          9 months ago

          They could probably save themselves a fair chunk of money if they stopped plastering their faces on everything they can. You won't see a sign or flyer advertising a service the council provides without the faces of Schrinner and usually the local LNP councillor as well.