On the side bar it lists the following:

  • [Matrix/Element]Dead
  • Discord

"Discord" is an active link, but the Matrix link is completely inactive. Not only is it inactive (which could have be excused as a broken link), but it is also manually labeled as "Dead", as if there is no intention of making it work. How can a community that is focused on privacy willingly favor a service that is privacy non-respecting when a perfectly functional privacy-respecting alternative exists?

  • ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Same reason why people use Google products when they could use something else (and note very often that they can't): it's more convenient because Google products are better. Because Google has the clout to make them better and bury the competition even more. which is the very definition of monopolistic anti-competitiveness.

    Element is garbage in my experience. It's just not very user friendly, it's slow, it's bloated (and no wonder, it's a React application) and it's not very stable on the desktop. I tried my best to like it but I just can't: it's awful. And unfortunately, as far as I can tell, that's the best Matrix client out there.

    I'm sure the Element people are trying their hardest and I don't fault them. But I'm pretty sure they don't have the resources to make it better, unlike Discord. So people staying on Discord is a self-perpetuating prophecy, until someone commits the resources to make Matrix an easy, fast and attractive proposition.