It’s so frustrating trying to talk to Americans about foreign policy. Most recently, we have all these stories about China stopping western warplanes from entering Chinese territory being spun as Chinese aggression. As if flying armed jets less than 100 miles off the coast of a country you threaten on a near-daily basis isn’t threatening them. No one even questions why these jets are flying so near Chinese airspace. What business does a Canadian jet have off the coast of China, other than to threaten and intimidate? I mean, the most recent one was literally on a mission to intimidate North Korea. Fucking frustrating.

    9 months ago

    I could only read the intro, but I appreciate what I read so far. Brainwashing definitely was a western invention, to attempt to cope with the defection rate in Korea, to my understanding. Which led directly to MK Ultra and other horrific experiments on unwilling and unknowing citizens.

    I’ll check the rest out after work, thanks for sharing!

      9 months ago

      IIRC Korean “brainwashing” was mostly just a false propaganda story and alibi for the experiments they were already intending to continue taking inspiration from Unit 731 and the Nazis.