My understanding of history is pretty pathetic, and I am trying to improve it. Looking for a book that isn’t revisionist, racist, or full of colonial apologia. Something that goes as far back as the 15th century would be perfect.

    9 months ago

    A people’s history of the world by Chris Harman, Open veins of Latin America, how Europe underdeveloped Africa, anything by Gerald Horne, the age of series by Hobsbawm, 1491, 1493, (actually those last two might be Americas focused), Micheal Hudson’s work, and that’s all I can think of for world history back to then.

    • Capitalist
      9 months ago

      Thanks, I wouldn't mind reading history focused on America but once I get a macro understanding of the history. It might take my incompetent brain some time to digest all the suggestions here but I'll get there

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