Many on the Latte Left facilitated this new era of fascist censorship. Remember when people didn't care that folks who were accurately assessing the situation between Ukraine and Russia were targeted and silenced?

  • Doug [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Yep. Leftists are regularly fighting back against misinformation and carefully crafted narratives designed to make people believe lies even if said narrative isn't expressly untrue.

    But masses of anti-war activists and so-called leftists in the US have now decided that war isn’t so bad

    Nope. War is still bad, which is why the invading country should stop or be made to stop if they won't do so voluntarily.

    Here's a fun exercise. If a foreign hostile power invaded the area you live in, using an excuse that has enough elements of truth to not technically be a flat out lie, how much of that land should be given up to appease them?

    It's ok. Don't feel obligated to answer. I'm certainly not coming back to this thread.