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    11 months ago

    Yes it's safe apt doing same when u installing something but doing it automatically.So u can just do

    sudo apt-get install --download-only htop

    It will store .deb in ur directory

    11 months ago

    aiui apt will compare downloads from repositories against the repository signing key, whereas downloading a deb and installing it manually with dpkg bypasses that.

    So theoretically the Debian website could get compromised and provide you a malicious deb package. That has happened to other Linux distros before so it's not entirely unrealistic.

    Practically I think that's very unlikely.

    I know apt has the --download option if you'd like to fetch deb packages on the commandline, though I'm not sure if apt compares the package with the key during this process. I hope it does. You could probably run apt in verbose mode and hopefully see this happen.

    Some references:

    11 months ago

    Well, it is safe as it's what APT do... hahaha just make sure to download latest version...