• tswiftchair@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    Is there a way to see which instances a Mastodon instance has defederated with? For lemmy instances, for example, you can go to /instances to see a list of other connected and blocked instances.

    • JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      you can go to /instances to see a list of other connected and blocked instances.

      I just did, and noticed a bunch of supposedly-federated mastodon instances, but in reality I've never seen them in my 'all' stream.

      Are they not supposed to show up there?

      • blind3rdeye@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        My understanding is that the 'all' feed only shows posts that come from accounts followed by people on your instance. You can follow anyone from any federated instance; and when you do, their posts will appear in your personal feed, and also in the 'all' feed for everyone on your instance. People are aren't followed by anyone on your instance won't show up in the 'all' section.

        • JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.ee
          8 months ago

          I've believe I've seen something like that stated before, but we're talking *zero* mastodon content showing up in ALL. Which happens to be the same instance as yours, btw, with Lemm.ee being the third largest instance in the Lemmysphere. You'd expect at least a little mastodon content showing up, but there's just nothing.

          So far the two resources just don't seem to be mixing, so perhaps what the other person was saying is correct. Right now in order to search mastodon, I'm using this tool.

      • ram@bookwormstory.social
        8 months ago

        Lemmy uses a feature called "groups" to denote the community a post is in. Mastodon doesn't support groups yet. Once it does, I would think those posts may federate with Lemmy.

    • sure@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Only one I found so far was https://fba.ryona.agency/

      The caveat is that it was made by kiwifarms