• InnuendOwO [she/her]
    3 years ago

    this is better actually

    every school i was ever in was dismal and shitty and cramped and definitely only built for maybe 30% of the students they're trying to cram into there. christ, my high school had the floors duct-taped together, let alone the rest of the structure, was very obviously 2 100+ year old buildings connected by a single hallway with no windows and was very obviously a fire hazard, and got bulldozed a month after i graduated because it was horribly unsafe. my elementary school got shut down for 2 weeks straight because there was mold growing in the vents.

    meanwhile, every mall i've ever been in has been not that, usually very obviously built for 1000+ people despite only holding a fraction of that and actually follows building codes

    that and malls fuckin suck and are gonna be dead within 20 years anyway, recycling the building to give it a use that's actually useful instead of "27 clothing stores, all selling literally identical items" seems good as hell