• PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    How about we get rid of fossil fuels? You dont' need to commute daily by car to your negative worth sales job. Lots of people actually hate their jobs under capitalism but no one says you know what? I actually really hate eating meat but I feel like I'm forced to do it anyway. People enjoy food. It's one of the few joys many have left in our hell society.

    Your solution to the environmental damage caused by agriculture is "eat less food." That's not a solution at all! My solution is that amazing experiences that human culture and society can provide us is 35% of the problem so let's address the other 65% because that's the shit that doesn't make life worth living. Shipping consumer electronics 8,000 miles just to throw away within a year doesn't make anyone happy. Spending 2hours a day commuting via car to some shitty office so that you can sell more consumer junk doesn't make anyone happy. These are the things that should be changed. The fact that people eat different food then you should be celebrated. Human culture is awesome and a world where we all eat the same food because it's the most efficient isn't a world worth living in.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      How about we get rid of fossil fuels?

      Concern trolling argument. Besides, if those fossil fuels were gotten rid of, your meat treats would be staggeringly impacted when it comes to everything from raising to slaughtering to distribution, so you would suffer a loss there anyway.

      The fact that people eat different food then you should be celebrated. Human culture is awesome and a world where we all eat the same food because it's the most efficient isn't a world worth living in.

      Again, you're selectively ignoring the very large pollution, land depletion, and carbon footprint of industrialized factory meat farming by conjuring an imaginary hyperbole all-or-nothing situation where nothing can be done unless everything is done. Besides, if I had to choose between those extremes, I'd rather the planet not become uninhabitable. Choosing otherwise if those must be the two extremes is basically death cult thinking, and for what?


      You are choosing to ignore the facts over and over again while pretending you're not getting any arguments of that sort because you have nothing but your petty selfishness to fall back on here.

      You are being willfully ignorant for obscenely petty and selfish reasons.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          11 months ago



          Being worried about fossil fuels is a "concern troll?"

          Yes, it is when you keep stating your concern for that while also saying "fuck you, got mine, unlimited meat treats" as if the only choices were unlimited meat treats or some imaginary dark world of oppression with zero meat treats.

          while you complain to the manager of Whole Foods that they are out of imported tofu again

          If there were Reddit-O-Meters, they'd be exploding just scanning your post.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              11 months ago

              You really do have nothing of value to say here, never did, and getting called out on your "totally not mad" reaction against valid criticism of your meat treat fixations looks like it hits its mark.

              You're a clown. Do a juggling act or ride your unicycle off stage already. 🤡

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  11 months ago

                  You obviously have issues with food.

                  More concern trolling is the same clown trick as before. At least try juggling.

                  I suppose it's a deep seated psychological harm

                  How many concern trolling layers can you be on at once? And for what? Criticism of the meat industry?

                  I hope you get the help you need

                  I hope you someday stop using "u r mentally ill" Reddit-tier putdowns against people that disagree with you.


                  Speaking of Reddit, that's such a pretentiously pompous way to try to swagger off that you may as well do a cape twirl and tip your fedora. It would line up nicely with your "fuck you, got mine" selfishness and blatant disregard for life.