Are you someone who has left their country of birth to move and settle somewhere else, or who is thinking of doing so in the future? What led you to take that decision, or what is making you consider it? What have your experiences been until now, and what do you expect and hope for in the future?

    1 year ago

    I’m from Canada and would very much like to leave at some point, if only to have a different experience. I’m eligible for an EU passport (with a lot of money and effort) through a grandparent so very much considering going there.

    I’ve also stayed in China for a few months and it was amazing. If I actually had valuable skills and could get employment there, and learn Mandarin ofc which I have tried and failed at thus far, I’d certainly consider moving there too. I know they have a lot of restrictions on foreigners settling there, but perhaps in the future that will change.

        1 year ago

        Italy would be a top choice for sure, anywhere on the Mediterranean would be ideal really. Wouldn’t be opposed to somewhere like Germany or Netherlands either.

        Not EU but I’ve also considered trying to get a short term work visa in the UK and living there for a year or two. Honestly for no reason other than I love football and raves and those things are objectively better there than here.

          1 year ago

          I am currently making plans to leave the Mediterranean myself, so I feel obligated to recommend you to make a lot of research and think about it thoroughly before taking that decision. Coming to the Mediterranean can be a bliss or a nightmare depending on what is it that you do for a living.