Are you someone who has left their country of birth to move and settle somewhere else, or who is thinking of doing so in the future? What led you to take that decision, or what is making you consider it? What have your experiences been until now, and what do you expect and hope for in the future?

  • Although I find Poland fascinating for some reason, I'm actually from Bangladesh.

    I'm studying CompSci (well my parents forced me to anyway, but I didn't rebel much because I do have a wish to to develop games and softwares... though honestly I'd probably rather work in Psychology departments tbh), and I feel like tech companies in China are already full of Chinese Workers and they don't need anymore. Also, you often hear stories about people going to East/Southeast Asian countries and ending up teaching English for a living.

    During my freshman years, my (not very prestigious) uni gave us an offer about studying to China and apparently the Government of China would give you job opportunities and a place to live there. I was a lib at the time, so I didn't take the opportunity. Dunno if that door is still open though. Even if it is, it sounds way too good to be true. Think about it, why would the Chinese Government even bother to give non-PRC citizens so many opportunities/benefits? Yeah they're a Socialist country but I imagine socialist countries to give precedence to their own citizens first (idk why I think this).

    If I do ultimately decide to go to China, I think I might be able to get them on board. I was talking about Central/Latin American countries when I said "I'd have a hard time convincing my parents". But yeah, maybe I'll be able to save enough if I combine my allowance and any part-time/freelancing jobs I take (if I do anyway), I'll need to figure out/calculate the expenses and then some.

      1 year ago

      Latin America can be a good place to start a new life, especially in countries like Chile and Uruguay. That being said, I have always had the impression that Computer Science and other tech-related degrees are above average in opening you gates to a good life in other countries. This may be an uninformed opinion however, as I have never asked around much to people who are actually inside that world.

      First and foremost it's all about investigating if, aside from the overall quality of life that people have there, your destination is well-suited for you and how willing it is to accept and treat well specialists of your field of work. I considered moving to Norway per example, until I learned that they have an excess of professionals of my field, so I had to begin looking instead to countries around it.

      • I originally intended to specialize in Software and Game Development potentially Web Development too, since I wish to go to that side; but I wonder if I might have to specialize in Data Science and AI instead, because the world seems to go towards that direction when talking about the importance of tech-related degrees. There seems to be some techies in Lemmygrad though, so maybe they know better than us on this subject, so maybe they can chip in with a more informed opinion.

        How do I start investigating though? How did you learn that Norway had enough professionals from your field? And I'd like to know what you meant by "how willing the country would be to accept and treat well-specialists of my field of work".

          1 year ago

          And I’d like to know what you meant by “how willing the country would be to accept and treat well-specialists of my field of work”.

          You are ideally searching for two things: that your destination is in need of professionals from your field, and that they are willing to give you a pay high enough that you can live a comfortable life there. There are quite a few instances in which a country needs specialists but they are unwilling to offer a good pay in return.

          How do I start investigating though? How did you learn that Norway had enough professionals from your field?

          The way that gives you the best results at obtaining information is at the same time the one that is most direct: ask to the people from the place how easy it is to get a job of your field and how is life there working in your field. There are several communities on the internet dedicated to people of a country in particular: in Reddit you can find them easily, and most of them can easily respond to you if you ask in English.