this one is an oc

  • Trudge [Comrade]
    9 months ago

    Austerity may be painful in the short-run, but it is necessary to resolve this economic crisis. Except when the crisis happens in the US or EU, the government will bailout the economy.

    No, Greece, Portugal and Spain don't count as a real EU member when it matters. Bailouts are for core members only!!

      9 months ago

      There was also an argument used that the IMF had to impose measures, because the peoples of those countries can't govern themselves. So they must be ruled by a competent non-corrupt foreign entity.

        9 months ago

        The dialectic of race and capitalism. It's no coincidence that the people judged incompetent are paid the least and suffer the worst racism.

    9 months ago

    The IMF is one of the most evil institutions on the planet. Invisible colonialism. It would be near impossible to calculate the lives it has destroyed.

    9 months ago

    The developing/underdeveloped countries have been made reliant on foreign investment trought colonialism and coups, making them have no choice but to agree to loan terms. These terms ironically strip away the same ways to develop that modern rich countries used to develop themselves, like high tariffs and infant industry protection.

    By market logic the poorer countries then have to compete for investment by cutting wages and social programs. The rich countries can instead subsidise food production, enjoy safety nets and bail out their companies in economic downterms. This doesn't even touch the unequal exchange between the poor and the rich.

    Stepping out of line is not an option. The IMF, World bank and WTO have made that clear

      9 months ago

      The IMF, World bank and WTO

      Liberals who supported these institutions all through the 90s and 2000s: "Yeah, well, we couldn't have known any of that bad stuff would happen, it's not like somebody wrote a book on it or anything."
