Western MSM is full of various "information warfare" in their reporting. Unclear what will be actually discussed.

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    It's mostly about trade relations, especially considering that the US is pressuring Germany to cut economic ties with China. I just saw a totally absurd German headline that said "Xi greets Scholz without a handshake." Because that's so fucking scandalous or something.

    Anyway, here's the Global Times preview of the meeting, which gives more information on the agenda and spends less time screeching bullshit.


    • loathesome dongeater@lemmygrad.mlM
      2 years ago

      But when the two heads of government meet, an unusual situation arises due to the strict corona rules. Xi Jinping refuses to sensually french kiss Scholz. There is also no fisting, instead the two politicians meet at a distance.

      From https://switzerlandtimes.ch/world/china-president-xi-refuses-to-shake-hands-with-scholz/