It's real! Explore it here:,41.9031715,0a,90y,269.47h,62.93t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sVymdJ43r220TFpcyU7KAZg!2e0

    2 years ago

    The high density unfortunately ruins the intial design intent of the Soviet microdistrict urban planning model. It's supposed to be spacious and interspersed with parks and trees. Russia is big enough that they didn't have to economize on space like this, unless it was built right in the middle of a city.

      2 years ago

      I don't think so, Stavropol isn't smallest of cities, it's around 450000 people, but it's on the open terrain, there's a lot of place there. The picture is apparently a bit misleading though, at the ground level it looks much better and less dense according to the same posts.