Lugansk: 100%
Kherson: 94.3%
Zaporozhye: 72.49%
Donetsk: 60.29%
Kharkiv: 33.15%
Nikolaevskaya: 4.83%


      2 years ago

      Wrong. I never said I supported the status quo. You guys act like the people who attack third party voters.

        2 years ago

        In this case “Neither Moscow nor Washington” is not even supporting status quo. It is supporting US imperialism which was making agressive moves against Russia, and to cement the US hegemony. You mentioned being Palestinian - it is similar if someone said "neither Palestine nor Israel" (especially in the context of Donbas war).

          2 years ago

          Not even close. We're not dealing with an occupier/occupied situation here. We dealing with two powerful countries making Ukraine their playground.

            2 years ago

            I'm talking about Donbas situation. Ukraine is not a "playground" just as Palestine isn't a "playground" for Israel nor USA. There are two genocides in motion both by fascist apartheid USA puppet states, but people of Donbas are fortunate to have an ally who (albeit only after 8 years) intervened to save them.